The Church on Fairford Leys, Aylesbury
Safeguarding Policy
Children and Adults at risk
October 2024
The Church on Fairford Leys agrees that children, young people and adults have a right to live in a way which does not cause them harm or impede their human rights. We therefore acknowledge their right to protection from abuse regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.
There is a responsibility on the church community to act positively to safeguard the rights of all those who may be vulnerable within the church community. The whole church family shares safeguarding responsibilities for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society- be they a child, young person or an adult, by providing a welcoming environment, safe and free from harm.
The Safeguarding Co-ordinator is the person whom all concerns or allegations should be addressed.
Laura Edmonds
07962 002386
Safeguarding principles
We are committed to:
• the care and nurture of all children and adults who may be vulnerable
• the safeguarding and protection of all children and adults who may be vulnerable
• the establishment of a loving environment which is safe and caring.
The need for a policy
The church must have proper policies, guidelines and procedures in place:
• to protect children and adults who may be vulnerable from harm
• to ensure the church meets its duty of care
• to protect the reputation of the church
• to comply with insurance requirements and protect church finances.
What is abuse?
Abuse can take many forms. It may consist of a single act or repeated acts.
The four main forms of child abuse are:
physical abuse
sexual abuse
psychological/emotional abuse
Adult abuse:
discriminatory abuse
physical abuse
psychological or emotional abuse
financial or material abuse
sexual abuse
neglect or acts of omission
institutional/ organisational abuse
modern slavery
self neglect.
What to do if there is an allegation
If a child, young person or adult makes an allegation or disclosure of abuse against an adult, another child or young person, it is important that you:
• stay calm and listen carefully
• reassure them that they have done the right thing
• do not investigate or ask leading questions
• let them know that you will need to tell someone else
• do not promise to keep what they have told you a secret
• inform the Safeguarding Co-ordinator as soon as possible
• make a written record of the allegation, disclosure or incident and sign and date this record. Any such records will be kept in a locked filing cabinet
• report concerns to the relevant authorities, either Social Care or the Police.
Procedure in the event of concern
If there is an immediate threat of harm we will contact the police.
When it is judged that there is no immediate threat of harm the following will occur:
• The concern will be discussed with the Church Safeguarding Co-ordinator and a decision made as to whether the concern warrants a referral to statutory agencies,
• A confidential record will be made of the conversation and circumstances surrounding it. This record will be kept securely and a copy passed to statutory agencies if a referral is made.
• The person about whom the allegation is made may not be informed of this by anyone in the church, if it is judged that to do so would place a child or adult who may be vulnerable at increased risk.
Who to contact in the case of a child
Children’s Social Care department
0300 300 8149
out of hours emergency safeguarding 0300 300 8123
Who to contact in the case of an adult at risk
The Adult Safeguarding Team 0300 300 8122
out of hours emergency safeguarding 0300 300 8123
If the allegation is regarding a member of staff, paid or volunteer
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) will be contacted. A decision will be taken about when to inform the person concerned. The timing and method will be discussed and agreed with the LADO.
0300 300 4833 or 0300 300 4832
Other contacts
Thames North Synod Safeguarding Co-ordinator for Children and adults at risk
Derek Lindfield 07803953483
Email address
24 hour helpline run by thirtyone:eight (formally Churches Child Protection Advisory Service) 03030031111
United Reformed Church Safeguarding Officer
020 7916 2020
Email address;
If the church Safeguarding Co-ordinator is unavailable, or it would be inappropriate to contact her, then contact should be made with Thames North Synod Safeguarding Co-ordinator (details above)
The Church Council will review this policy annually.